It’s been unreasonably cold in Winnipeg this week. Polar Vortex Shenanigans. It was actually -50°C with the wind chill the other day! The schools weren’t closed or anything, of course, and thank goodness, but it is hard to do anything when it’s this cold.
But there is one thing I can do:

I can drink hot beverages constantly! I can also make these:

And this:

Soup is the key to January this year. I highly recommend it. To create a soup like unto this soup, here is the recipe:
- Saute 2 onions in olive oil until brown
- Add 4 cloves of garlic
- Add sausages cut into disks (if not already cooked, let them cook with the onions)
- Add several chopped up potatoes
- Add 6 – 8 cups of stock or water and a generous splash of white wine vinegar, and plenty of salt
- When the potatoes are done, add three big handfuls of spinach
- Taste and add more salt and pepper if needed
Go forth and embrace warmth where it can be found.